Our Mission
Established In 2022. We are committed to providing original electronic components that adhere to manufacturer specifications. We are an electronics solutions provider and our organisation is governed by core values.

Our five core values are market leadership, quality, speedy delivery, reliability and technical support.

Our global network of vendors gives us an added advantage and access to a wide array of active and passive components.
Our Industry
We provide electronics sourcing solutions and parts to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Contract Manufacturers (CMs), Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) and Brokers.

Our clients work in various fields including medical, military, aerospace, computer & peripheral, telecommunications & transportation.
Supply Chain Leadership
At INSTOCK ELECTRONIC we are data-driven , and we make use of all analytical tools and tracking systems for enhanced industry insights and trends.

New data helps us recognize recurring patterns, hence we can predict changes in market trends, thus formulating new strategy that mitigates electronics supply shortages within the industry.