Song Shiqiang’s Ideas on the Competition in Electronic Component Industry and Building of “Slkor” and “Kinghelm” Brands (Volume 1)


Recently Brand Finance, a UK-based brand appraisal agency, has released the brand value rankings of the top 20 semiconductor enterprises in 2022 (SEMICONDUCTORS 20 2022). According to the evaluation agency, the total value of the top 20 semiconductor brands reaches up to 134.9 billion dollars, among which 10 American brands are worth 79.5 billion dollars. None of our Chinese semiconductor companies are on the list. Intel, TSMC and Nvidia rank the top three, which is well-known to us, with brand values of 25.612 billion, 20.474 billion and 16.1 billion dollars respectively.



Source: Aipusou auto graphics



Brand value can be interpreted as the net economic benefit gained by its brand owner through licensing the brand on the open market. In a waywhat have gradually become the key to competition in the semiconductor industry are the content and value which its brand delivering to customers.


As the CEO of Slkor company, Song Shiqiang believes that the marketing of a company is always the most important thing.  He borrowed the words of Ye Maozhong, a famous marketing expert, who said that the essence of marketing is an insight into demands, which are found in the conflict between supplies and needs. So where there is the conflictthere is the marketing.  Products can solve short-term conflicts, while brands can solve long-term conflicts. Therefore, since the establishment of Slkor and Kinghelm, Mr. Song attaches great importance to the brand building of “Slkor| and “Kinghelm”!



PictureSlogen of SLkor "Become the leader of domestic semiconductor industry" 


The brand is powerful and can bring huge social and commercial value to its owner” Mr. Song said. So the brand “Slkor” is the same value to Slkor and “Kinghelm” is the same value to Kinghelm Electronics.


Song Shiqiang is a private economic researcher of the Economic Development Center of the State Council, a member of the electronic information expert database of China Association for Science and Technology, and a commercial research expert of Huaqiang NorthMr. Song used to be a CEO of an international real estate listed company. He invests and manages Shenzhen SlkorMicro Semicon Co., Ltd. & Shenzhen Kinghelm Electronics Co., Ltd., and builds " Slkor" and "Kinghelm" brands.  


Mr. Song has been concerned about the brand building of Kinghelm and Slkor, studying the underlying logic of it.  Mr. Song shared his understanding of the "brand" to the reporter, the main points are as follows:


First, the brand is the guarantee of quality. Brands are with us all the time, and they are closely related to us, including food, clothing, housing, transportation and other accessible things. When we buy something, especially valuables, we should consider quality, durability, safety and other factors. Though ita little more expensive, we will find a trusted brand. This not only reflects people's trust and reliance on the quality of brand deep inside, but also the guarantee of big brand products in the maintenance of after-sales.



Picture: a propaganda pattern of SiC MOS product of Slkor


Second, the brand represents positioning. The brand can be divided into three grades, the upper, middle and lower, and it also has a market segment positioning. For instance, watches of Patek Philippe and bags of Hermes symbolize the ultimate luxury, whose buyers are usually either rich or of figure, showing their identity and temperament. As for the ordinary stuff like multi-layered cloth shoes of old Beijing "Neiliansheng" we old men wearing are very comfortable and practical, and ita good choice for middle-aged and elderly people to travel or stay at home.  The same goes for these situations, we wear Nike and Adidas when playing